Saturday, August 23, 2014

On our way home...

We found the cost of Belgian chocolate to be reasonable, and the price of Suisse chocolate to be outrageous. Since both places are famous for chocolate,  I'm not sure why the discrepancy.  Unfortunately,  I missed my purchasing opportunity in Belgium.   We decided to bring back Stroop Wafel, from Holland,,  which is two paper-thin waffle wafers with a fine layer of caramel in between.  Yum...especially with tea or coffee!
We are at the airport now awaiting our flight back to Vancouver B.C., and then finally home.  It's been wonderful.  Vaarwel Amsterdam!

Last day in Amsterdam

We traveled early this morning to the Basel airport and on to Amsterdam for a final day.  We arrived in the rain, once again!  I will be happy to be in Seattle where the weather is predictable! ...haha!  We tried to book a hotel through the info center, but nothing was available unless we wanted to pay €350... no thanks.  We are going to be here for less than 24 hours.  We decided to venture out on our own, walked one block and found the Hotel Neutraal.  The price was right and we really didn't care anyway.  We just needed a place to dump our backpacks.  We couldn't check in until 1:30 so we went for breakfast where I had coffee and apple cake (a staple apparently).  We decided to do the Hop-on Hop-off tour, which is exactly as it sounds.  It runs every 15 minutes, so you can hop off and hop back on whenever you want.  Doug wanted to visit the Amsterdam Zoo which is one of the oldest in Europe.   The second we stepped off the bus, it started pouring rain. (I'm saying that a lot, right?!)  We walked for a bit until I took refuge in a neighborhood book sharing site.  The rain wasn't letting up, so I put a shopping bag on my head and ran to the corner cafe, much to the local Dutch amusement!   We ended up strolling the zoo, hopping back on the bus and taking a nap once we were settled into the the top of a winding stairwell that was stinky (?), questionable (?).  Turns out the room is clean, and the door locks...two necessities!   It also has a pic of a golden retriever above the bed, which of course we love.  We miss Scoutie and are excited to see him tomorrow.  After Doug napped (I had trouble relaxing, knowing it is my last day) we ventured out to dinner.  We went to the Cote Ouest Cafe and both had Coco Vin, and poached pears in chocolate sauce.  We agreed that this couldn't compare with Sander's desserts on the barge!  Strolled around town, stopped for another wine and decided we were trying to prolong the was time to head home.  We are back in our last room preparing to head out in the morning...bittersweet, but ready to return to our lives back home.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Interlaken to Basel

Today was a travel day again.  This morning we strolled around some back streets of Interlaken, took more photos, and made some last minute Suisse purchases.  This town is very touristy and very expensive, so I didn't find the "treasure" I was hoping for.  After lunch, we hopped aboard the train toward Basel and arrived about 2 hours later. Our hotel is near the airport, as we fly back to Amsterdam tomorrow at 6:30am.  We were going to trek back into Basel to check out the town, however our hotel had a free bbq dinner and gave us SFR $5  for their casino.  We francs didn't last, but we were all over a free meal.  As I mentioned before, the food in Europe is so expensive...we paid $25 last night for mac & cheese.  We wanted to share it, so they charged an extra $2.50, since we both didn't order an entree...ha!  Anyway, we decided to lay low this evening, so we are chilling in the hotel room, watching English-language TV.  Here are some pics of Interlaken this morning, and some from the train as we left the beautiful scenery.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Traveling day - to Switzerland!

Yesterday, we left Brussels very early, headed to the train station.  We traveled most of.the day, heading to Switzerland.   We rode 3 trains, from Brussels to Frankfort Germany, to Basel, to Interlaken.   Unfortunately we got off the train in Basel Germany,  not Basel Switzerland.   God was watching over us, as he placed a train steward right in our path who told us to turn around and get back on.  Doug's shoelace caught in the escalator (yes, Betsy Vo!) and he took a tumble, however, we still made it onboard!  We exited the train at 3pm in Interlaken.  With backpacks on board, we navigated through town and checked into the Hotel Toscana, across the street from Hotel Azteca (yes, we're in Switzerland,  not Italy, Spain, or Mexico).  We are the minority in town, as there are a lot of tourists from other countries here.   I was hoping to interact with more Swiss peeps, like we did in Holland with the Dutch, however, I don't think Interlaken is the place to do that.  We traveled this morning up to Harder Kulm,  which gave us a breathtaking view.  We then took the bus out of town to the St. Beatus Caves.  Very cool!   I had to laugh, because some dude got on the bus and was holding everyone up with his questions for the poor driver.   I said OMG...there are annoying bus riders everywhere...not just Seattle!  Between my gimpy leg and Doug's clogged sinuses, we were ready for a beer (you thought I was going to say a nap, but no!).  We are currently blogging from the Hotel Toscana Restaurant, sharing a Swiss cheese fondue.  I asked the waitress in French (?) if she would take une plus photo sil's vous plait?  And she said oui!  Bon nuit everyone!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


After breakfast, we checked out of our hotel and shared a taxi to the train station with Mark and Gail.  It was about an hour ride to Brussels where we said goodbye to them.  They will be traveling to Germany tomorrow, where Gail's childhood friend, Elena lives.  We  have changed our (non) plans for Venice and decided instead to go to Switzerland.   Doug really wants to go to Interlaken, which sounds beautiful.  It will be a long day tomorrow,  as we board a train from Brussels to Koln to Basel to Interlaken, but I'm sure it will be well worth it.  Today, we quickly found a hotel in Brussels and set out to see the town, which is hopping!   Hotel Mozart is crazy over the top with it's decor, but we love it!  Doug wasn't able to get wifi from our room, so went down to the lobby barefoot, where he was scolded for it.  I later passed the owner who asked where I was from and then said "ah, you must be with the man with the naked feet...crazy Seattle people".  We saw the beautiful town square, the famous Mannekin Pis, and tasted a few more Belgian beers and chocolate.  One of the highlights of my day was when I was sitting outside the hotel and a tourist asked ME for directions to the Mannekin Pis statue.  Without missing a beat, I said of course...2 blocks down and turn left.  Merci beaucoup to you too!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bruges Day 2

Had breakfast this morning at the hotel with the rest of our group still in Bruges.  Brenda, Dorrie,  and Marietta set off for Paris, and Doug and I hit the streets for shopping.  It was very successful for Doug, as he now has a very European look.  I ended up with a t-shirt and some shoes, but nothing that screams unique.  The best purchase of the day?  An umbrella!   I can't be sure, but the weather here may change more than Seattle!   I've never taken my jacket off and on more often than I did today...just sayin'.  We returned to Rose Red for happy hour before returning to our room to freshen up for dinner.   Doug needed to change into his new outfit...which I admit was pretty hot (sorry, no pics to share).  All he needs is the suave foreign accent...right?, er...I mean eh?   I've included a few pics of our day, including happy hour, our disaster of a room and a selfie out our hotel room window.  We headed to dinner at in den Wittenkop, which was very good.  The kitchen was upstairs so all dishes went up and down via dumbwaiter.  Two young french kids ran the dining room very well.  According to a sign outside,  this place was recommended by Rick Steves. And if we haven't eaten enough this week,  we finished of the evening at the candy store, purchasing a local fruit gum drop kind of candy.  We have decided not to travel to Venice, since the time frame is too tight.  We will be heading with Gail and Mark tomorrow to the hub of Brussels via train, and then decide where to head next.  Until then...zie je later!